Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GENERAL VIEWS ( 4th Edition )

You know how you have things build up inside that frustrate or disappoint you and you have to vent or you will bust? Today is a day that I have to vent about something. The thing that I want to vent about has been building up for about 5 or 6 years. It is the.....

Byrnes Rebels football program. The first thing I would like to say about the Byrnes program is they are a great High School Football team and program. They have had a lot of success against teams from their own state of South Carolina, winning State Championships in 6 of the last 7 seasons. They have had very good success on the National High School level as well, finishing in the National Top 25 on three different occasions. The Rebels have a 9 and 1 record against out-of-state competition since 2002. It is not Byrnes success that I want to vent about, it is the way they win that has me upset! The Byrnes Rebels win with NO CLASS! What do I mean about no class? I will give you some examples. (1)They schedule teams like 2A Woodland and then run up the score to 85 to 8. The Rebels had no business playing a bad 2A team. (2) When the Rebels have huge leads, like 49 to 0, they go for it on 4th Down to score even more points. If you won with class you wouldn't try to rub a teams nose in it like this. (3) When Byrnes has you down big, they keep their starters in way to long. In the game this past Friday, Byrnes was up 53 to 0 late 3rd Quarter, and star RB Marcus Lattimore scored another TD to make the score 60 to 0. If the Rebels won with class, the starters would have been out of the game before the score was 60 to 0. (4) When the Byrnes Rebels are up big, like 49 to 0, the Coaches call for a reverse pass play that scores another TD. If a program won with class, they wouldn't call a play like this when they are ahead by this big of a score. Byrnes does this kind of stuff all the time! I have no problem with a team continuing to run their offense and defense when they're up 56 to 0. My problem is a team running gadget plays and going for 1st downs on 4th down and long just to score more points! A team that wins with class and sportsmanship does not do this! The Byrnes Rebels do this kind of thing all the time. These are a few of the reasons that The ArmChair Coach sees the Byrnes Rebels as a High School football program that wins with NO CLASS! I would love to hear your comments on this subject. Let me know if you agree or disagree with The ArmChair Coach and your reasons why.

Did You Know? The only out-of-state team to defeat the Byrnes Rebels since 2002 was Evangel Christian Academy of Louisiana. The score was 21 to 10.

THE NFL GAME OF THE WEEK turned out to be another loss for the Carolina Panthers. Dallas defeated the Panthers 21 to 7. The Cowboys forced 3 Jake Delhomme ( T.O.) turnovers and rallied in the 2nd half for the win. The Panthers have serious problems and are off to an 0 and 3 start to the season. Maybe Carolina can find some answers to some of their questions during their bye week this week.

The ArmChair Coach wound up 13 and 7 in my picks for this past weekend. Record for the season is 57 and 16 for a percentage of .780.

Until Friday.

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